Monday, October 2, 2017

Corrections to 1855 Leaves of Grass

I have made a series of corrections to the punctuation, spacing, and capitalization of the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass. These changes include:

  • Capitalized title text on title page
  • Removed extraneous comma from copyright statement
  • Changed period to comma at the end of “The suicide sprawls on the bloody floor of the bedroom,” (p. 17)
  • Removed space from “near by” at the top of p. 19
  • Added comma to end of “The western turkey-shooting draws old and young . . . . some lean on their rifles,” (p. 22)
  • Adjusted (mis)spelling of “adobe” to “abode” to match image on p. 23
  • Changed period to comma at the end of “Breast that presses against other breasts it shall be you,” (p. 30)
  • Adjusted the location of the line break in line that begins “Hands I have taken” (p. 30)
  • Adjusted the location of the line break in line that begins “I hear the bravuras of birds” (p. 31)
  • Removed extraneous comma in line “But I know it is sure and alive and sufficient” (p. 49)
  • Adjusted (mis)spelling of “and” to “aud” to match image on p. 58
  • Adjusted the location of the line break in line that begins “The old forever new things” (p. 61)
  • Adjusted the location of the line break in line that begins “The designs for wallpapers” (p. 63)
  • Added missing line break to the line that begins “And liquor is spilled on lips” (p. 72)
  • Added missing line break to the line that begins “It is dark here underground” (p. 72)
  • Changed semi-colon to colon at the end of the line beginning “I love the rich running day” (p. 77)
  • Adjusted the location of the line break in line that begins “He was a frequent gunner and fisher” (p. 79)
  • Changed period to exclamation point in line that begins “Those are really men!” (p. 83)
  • Changed comma to period at the end of the line that begins “They shall get a grant” (p. 89)
  • Changed period to comma at the end of the line that begins “They rule on the highest” (p. 95)
  • Added missing line breaks to the following pages: pp. 17, 18, 20, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 40, 41, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 59, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 89, 91, 92, 94
~ Nikki

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