Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Updates to Correspondence

On December 17, 2013, I made several updates to the Correspondence
section of the Whitman Archive. In addition to converting all Civil
War correspondence from TEI P4 to TEI P5, I made several content

1. The letter formerly identified as and.00001 is now identified as med.00658
2. The letter formerly identified as loc.00852 is now identifed as tex.00400
3. The letter formely identified as loc.00869 is now identified as tex.00404
4. The letter formely identified as med.00333 is now identified as hyb.00003
5. I made consistent all bibliographic information for Edwin Haviland
Miller, Charley Shively, and other edited volumes for Civil War
6. Added images for loc.00874, loc.00568, loc.00871, loc.00870, and loc.00851


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