Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fw: [wwa-changelog] Response 2 to: Finding aid added: Musee de la Cooperation Franc...

That was haste.  The capitalization is fine.  Ken

----- Forwarded by Kenneth M Price/English/UNL/UNEBR on 06/03/2008 08:57 AM -----
whitmanarchive <whitmanarchive@gmail.com>

06/02/2008 01:53 PM

[wwa-changelog] Response to: Finding aid added: Musee de la Cooperation Franc...

I've added the "accented e" characters to both the index page and the EAD file. I noticed that in his message Ken only capitalized the first word of the museum's name. I wasn't sure whether that was email haste or a cue that the capitalization also needed to be changed. For now, I've left capitalization as it was.

~ Brett

Posted By whitmanarchive to
wwa-changelog at 6/02/2008 01:48:00 PM

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