Saturday, May 17, 2008

Response to: Finding aid added: Musee de la Cooperation Franco-Americaine

Liz, Brett,

I tried to post  through the web form but I was blocked because it didn't like my password.  I was sure I had the right password, so I'll have to get some help on that next week.  Anyway, thanks for creating this repository finding guide and linking the mss to it.

I have several things to note.  On the name of the museum, mentioned a half dozen times--once on the index and then multiple times on the entry itself--we have several accent marks missing.  Can someone please add those.  I'll place the proper accented spelling here, though I'm a little worried they may disappear as this message travels through email:

Musée national de la coopération franco-américaine

We want an accent aigu on the first    
e in musée, coopération, and américaine

Also a picky thing:  there is more white space showing after "Biographical information" than there is following "Abstract" and "Scope and content."

Finally, I gather that we have rectos only of this ms rather than versos.  Did we somehow forget to request versos, or did they fail to provide them? Bah.  I guess I'll have to get back into correspondence with these people.

Thanks again.  Ken

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