Thursday, September 28, 2017

Staff page updated

Caterina sent an updated biographical sketch for the staff page, and I took the opportunity to update my own.

~ Brett

Addendum: me, too!  ~ Nikki

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Institutional affiliations of advisory board members updated

I have updated the staff page with current affiliation information for Edward L. Ayers and John Unsworth.


Monday, September 25, 2017

New periodical and journalism material added

New material has been added to the Archive's "Periodicals" section. We have added transcriptions of 39 editorials likely authored by Whitman as editor of the New York Aurora. In order to draw a distinction between Whitman's role as a newspaper writer and his role as a newspaper editor, we have created a new "Newspaper editing" section, in which we offer page images of full issues of papers for which Whitman served as editor. Currently, we offer images of the Aurora and link to the Brooklyn Public Library's images of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. We have also updated the main "Periodicals" index page to reflect these new additions. Along with the Aurora material, we have added a new introduction to Whitman and the Aurora, written for the Archive by Jason Stacy.

- Kevin

Thursday, September 14, 2017

5 books of criticism added

I have added the following books from the Iowa Whitman Series: Martin Buinicki's Walt Whitman's Reconstruction, Betsy Erkkila's Walt Whitman's Songs of Male Intimacy and Love, Christine Gerhardt's A Place for Humanity, Joanna Levin & Edward Whitley's Whitman among the Bohemians, and Ivy Wilson's Whitman Noir.

~ Brett

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Contact info updated on Poem in Periodicals index page

The contact information at the bottom of the Poems in Periodicals page has been updated, to reflect that Kevin McMullen, not Susan Belasco and Elizabeth Lorang, is now overseeing that section of the Archive.

- Kevin

Images added to several pieces of correspondence

We received images from Bolton Central Library (Bolton, England) of several pieces of Whitman's correspondence. We had previously had transcriptions of the letters live on the Archive site, with the text derived from Edwin Haviland Miller's Correspondence volumes. We have now added images of the letters to the transcriptions, checking the text against the images. The metadata has been updated accordingly. The letters were bol.00001, bol.00002, and bol.00003. A letter from a private collector was also missing an image, which we have now received and linked to (prc.00112).

- Kevin