Thursday, July 21, 2016

Updated review attribution

I have updated the author information and added an explanatory note for a review of the 1881 edition of Leaves of Grass. The review (unsigned) was published in The Sunday Herald on October 30, 1881, and was written by Walt Whitman and Sylvester Baxter. 

~ Nikki

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sun-Down Papers published

On July 11, 2016, we published a new journalism series, "Sun-Down Papers." The series was originally published in 10 numbers from February 1840 to July 1841. An introduction to the series, written by Jason Stacy, was also published, and is accessible here.

- Kevin

Corrected typo on the Journalism index page

Brett pointed out that the title of the Hempstead Inquirer had been misspelt in the index listing for the "Sun-Down Papers" (it was incorrectly spelled "Hemstead"). The typo has been corrected.

- Kevin

Monday, July 18, 2016

New post-Reconstruction and Old Age letters published

I have published 70 new letters on the Whitman Archive.

This includes 69 post-Reconstruction letters from the year of 1887 and 1 letter from the 

Old Age period, from the year of 1888.


Stephanie M. Blalock, PhD, MLS
Digital Humanities Librarian &
Associate Editor,
 The Walt Whitman Archive
Author of "Go to Pfaff's"
Associate Editor, The Vault at Pfaff's
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, IA 52242

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Updated listed author name in fiction installments

Some of the installments of “Fortunes of a Country Boy” incorrectly cited the listed name of the author as “Walter Whitman” rather than “J.R.S.”  I have corrected this information. 

~ Nikki

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

New post-Reconstruction letters published

I have published 17 new post-Reconstruction letters on the Whitman Archive. They are: nyp.00418, nyp.00548, loc.07194, nyp.00569, nyp.00568, med.00804, loc.07429, loc.07369, loc.07445, loc.07060, loc.07438, loc.07370, loc.07080, loc.04972, loc.07437, loc.07434, and med.00652.

~ Nikki