Friday, September 26, 2014

Revisions made to poetry manuscripts

I made the following changes to poetry manuscript transcription files:

bpl.00007 ("Eidolons"): I fixed the image links in the transcription file for bpl.00007; the links now point to the correct images.

bos.00003 ("Sail out for good for aye, O mystic yacht!"): There was a typo in the editorial note for this letter ("enveloped" should have been "envelope"). I've corrected it.

yal.00020 ("[Sands at Seventy]"): I fixed the image links in the transcription file for yal.00020; the links now point to the correct images.

hpl.00001 ("[Yet far sweeps your road]"): The text of this file was displaying outside of the gray Whitman Archive frame.  I have fixed the stylesheet so the manuscript displays properly.

~ Nikki

revision made to poetry transcription file (loc.00203)

I fixed the image links in the transcription file for loc.00203; the links now point to the correct images, and the links have been re-arranged.

- Kevin

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Civil War Journalism Added

Over the past couple of weeks I've put up about 30 of the Civil War journalism pieces, including all of _Brooklyniana_.

~ Brett

Friday, September 19, 2014

Revision to note on "[I do not expect to see myself]"

Our note on the dating of this manuscript and our more general editorial note suggested two different dates for the manuscript (1850s and 1870s).  Believing the 1870s dating more likely to be correct, I removed the commentary about the 1850s.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Updated poetry manuscript images

Some images were incorrectly associated with poetry manuscripts, including "[Behold thy hunters]," "[the idea of the necessity of]," and others. I've confirmed that these poetry manuscript transcriptions match the associated images.

~ Nikki

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Correction to 1862 letter

The letter from George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman of May 12, 1862, listed two different dates.  I've corrected all dates.

~ Nikki